Hello, FSDB Families!!! The first Parent Engagement Workshop for the 2024-25 school year themed "Don't Bottle It Up!" will be held on Friday, September 13, at 9 am at Moore Hall CLD. Details and RSVP information are below.
Childhood has changed over the last several years. This change began long before the pandemic and has had a significant impact on how our children and youth engage with the world. In the book, The Anxious Generation, Jonathan Haidt describes the transition from play-based childhood to phone-based childhood and how ‘safetyism’ blocks the experiences that build resilience in young people.
Let the fear and anxiety go away! Find the joy in academics and assessments as we venture through the core memories of the FSDB academic program. This session will provide some highlights from the book and a discussion on how we can support our young people at home and school.
President Tracie Snow will POP-IN! and lead an interactive game.
Remember to RSVP by September 10 to ensure we have sufficient supplies, lunch, and cookies!
Please RSVP at the following link: https://bit.ly/PEW-SEPT-2024
For more information, contact Misty Porter, FSDB Parent Liasion, at 904-827-2988 or porterm@fsdbk12.org
Travel reimbursement is available for this event. All guests must check in at campus police prior to joining us for the workshop.