Multi-Tiered System of Supports/Response to Intervention (MTSS/RTI)
FSDB is dedicated to your child’s success. Your child’s teachers and support providers closely monitor to watch for signs that he/she may need additional support to achieve their goals both academically and behaviorally.
Students that have been identified as needing additional strategies or interventions in the classroom are referred to our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) team. This team meets on a weekly basis to review data. There is a problem-solving process in which areas of need are identified and a strategy is put in place to help boost achievement and/or behavior. The team consists of the school administrator, psychologist, academic specialists, behavior specialists, referring teacher, dorm personnel, and you – the parent/guardian. Reasons for referral could be: Temporary Assignment, new student, academic needs (lack of progress, need for more or less challenging class placements), review of behavior or counseling needs, bullying or recipient of bullying behavior, attendance, or other classroom concerns.
During the MTSS meeting, information on your child’s progress and concerns will be reviewed. The Team will listen to potential concerns in either core academics, behavioral areas or attendance. The team will come up with a plan of support your child’s success. This is not an IEP meeting. It is an informal review of progress and a review of strategies that will support student progress in meeting individualized goals.