PIP Director for the Blind & Visually Impaired
PH: 904-827-2232

Stay and Play Group
The parent-involved Stay and Play Group on the FSDB campus provides developmental learning experiences for children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing or Blind/Visually Impaired, ages birth to 36 months and their caregivers.
The early years are when children use their bodies, senses, and emerging problem-solving skills to make sense of their world. Babies and toddlers actively seek information by exploring their environment and making new discoveries.
At the developmentally appropriate Montessori-inspired Stay and Play Group, children are encouraged to work independently, observe others, explore freely, and express their curiosity and creativity while developing confidence and competence. The children are given the freedom to learn by doing. The prepared environment fosters the young child’s independence and desire for exploration with low, child-sized furniture and accessible shelves lined with stimulating materials.
Early Childhood professionals observe the children in action, guiding caregivers and children to materials and activities designed to encourage curiosity and learning. Children develop language, concentration, problem-solving, visual discrimination, physical coordination, self-help and social-emotional skills.
For more information and to discuss options for participation, please contact our Parent Infant Program Directors.
Kim Carr
Kathleen Locascio
PIP Director for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
PH: 904-827-2437
VP: 904-201-4581