FSD Canoe Club was founded in 1968 by head sponsor Norman Oja.  Students could participate in the canoe club; a few times a year, the club went to Ocala National Park, Suwannee River, and other places. They travel by canoe down a river all day. After canoeing, they cooked dinner at the park.  There will be a two-night campout at the end of the school year in May. Students and staff were able to sleep in the tents in the park. They canoed, cooked and hiked in the park. Many students love the canoe club and have a lot of fun.  The Canoe Club closed down in 1996. There are canoe club collections in the FSDB Museum. #FSDBWayBackWhensdays
7 months ago, FSDB
Photo of the Canoe Club sitting in the canoes and paddling out on the water.
Koger Hall students were reminded of Safety, Firedrill, and lockdown practice last Wednesday. Remembering and practicing these drills in a real emergency is essential. #FSDBCampusLifeTuesdays
7 months ago, FSDB
Students standing outside during the fire drill practice.
Students in the hallway kneeling down and covering their heads during a weather drill practice.
Coach Young is flying to Paris tomorrow for the Paralympics that start on August 28th! Coach Young is the coach for the men's USA Goalball team competing in Paris. One of our former students will also be there to compete! Let's go USA!! #Paralympics2024 #USAteam #ThisisFSDB #ParisOlympics #Paris2024 #2024Olympics
7 months ago, FSDB
Coach Young with the ELC students holding a number 1 and a poster designed like the American flag.
Coach Young holding a poster that says "Coach Young" with all his students signatures, smiling around his students dressed up in P.E. uniform.
Welcome Theresa "Tracy" Lawing to FSDB! Theresa is working in the BEMS as an English Language Arts teacher! She loves teaching, reading, and writing. She believes that students need an audience or a place to publish their studies to understand their words' value fully. " I want to thank the Blind Middle School staff for their warm welcome. I had a wonderful first day of school meeting our students!" shared Theresa. Theresa is from Long Beach, California, but most recently lived in Farmington, New Mexico, where Theresa and her husband raised their family. Another fun fact is Theresa has been to Disneyland over 100 times. She was a "cast member" when she was in high school! We are so glad to have you here with us!! #ThisisFSDB #FSDBFam #YouBelongAtFSDB
7 months ago, FSDB
Theresa is wearing a navy blue tank top smiling for her picture outside at Palm Row. White graphic on bottom left says "BEMS English Language Arts Teacher".
The first week of school was a success! Our students got to know their teachers, learned their way around campus to get to class, met some new friends and reunited with old friends! #FSDBAcademicMondays
7 months ago, FSDB
Blind student holding a light orange cup in her left hand, and thumbs up using her right hand, smiling for the camera.
Deaf student sitting at a table smiling for the camera.
Two blind students have their arms around each other smiling for the camera outside.
Deaf student smiling and holding up the "I love you" sign with the backdrop that says "lil' dragons"
Here is our first weekly FSDB Athletics schedule for the 2024-2025 school year! Wednesday, August 21: - Middle School Volleyball vs. Palatka High School, Settles Gym, 5 pm - JV Volleyball vs. Palatka High School, Settles Gym, 6 pm - Varsity Volleyball vs. Palatka High School, Settles Gym, 7 pm Thursday, August 22: - Middle School Volleyball at Warner Christian Academy, 1730 S. RIDGEWOOD AVE, SOUTH DAYTONA, FL, 5 pm - Varsity Volleyball at Warner Christian Academy, 1730 S. RIDGEWOOD AVE, SOUTH DAYTONA, FL, 6 pm #OneTeamOneHeartbeat #GoDragons
7 months ago, FSDB
Graphic that shares the weekly sports schedule for August 19-23rd.
Welcome Allyson Davis to FSDB! Allyson is a Staff Assistant for Instructional Services. Before her new job, she was an OPS parent leader. "I am excited to be at FSDB full-time, working with a wonderful team and amazing students," shared Allyson. Allyson likes to travel often, explore new places, meet new people, and try new food. Welcome to the FSDB Family! #ThisisFSDB #FSDBFam #YouBelongAtFSDB
7 months ago, FSDB
Picture of Allyson in a black shirt and white flowers scattered all over. White graphic on bottom left says "Allyson Davis, Staff Assistant for Instructional Services"
During our weekly recap, we will provide updates on the latest photos, news, field trips, events, and recognition of our outstanding students and staff members. This will ensure that everyone in the FSDB Community stays well-informed about our community's various activities and achievements. #FSDBRecapSundays
7 months ago, FSDB
White graphic says "Recap Sundays, #FSDBRecapSundays" with an example of what the post will look like. The example shows four different photos of events that happened. Beneath the photo stares the explanation on the photos.
Sports Saturdays are dedicated to FSDB Sports and feature important dates, awards, games, senior night, and more. #FSDBSportSaturdays
7 months ago, FSDB
White graphic says "Sport Saturdays, #FSDBSportSaturdays", with two examples of what the post will look like. The top picture is picture of cheerleaders smiling with the "Best Dance" banner and the bottom picture is two wrestlers on the mat.
We will share who has grown over the years during their time at FSDB, whether it is a student who attended FSDB since ELC, a staff member who was a student and came back to FSDB to work, a staff member who has worked over the years, or, lastly, FSDB Alumni! If any Alumni are wanting to be spotlighted, please click on the link below to fill out : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/18o-nTDpyNGa-_YCDODcZ8xaM8zSK7bf-n_2AEEjv4a4/prefill #GrowingUpAtFSDBFridays
7 months ago, FSDB
White graphic says "Growing Up at FSDB, #GrowingUpAtFSDBFridays" with a example to the right of Tracie Snow when she started working here and now as the President of FSDB.
FSDB is excited to continue our Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) Interactive Learning Series for children who are blind/visually impaired (B/VI) or deaf/hard of hearing (D/HH).   Join us for the 2024-25 Fall Virtual ECC Interactive Learning Series, "Life Essentials - Being Prepared - Tools for Success". Each student will receive a box of materials and join this collaborative virtual classroom that promotes creativity, conversation, and an opportunity to build skills connected to the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC). Materials will be mailed to your home the week before the event. • When: Saturday, September 21, 2024, from 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. EST (Eastern Standard Time) • What: An interactive morning for students ages 6-15 who are deaf/hard of hearing (D/HH), blind/visually impaired (B/VI), or dual sensory impaired (DSI) and who live in Florida. • Where: Virtual classroom via ZOOM. You must register, and space is limited! Register at the link below: https://bit.ly/Fall-Virtual-ECC-2024 For questions, please contact Jennifer Valderrama at valderramaj@fsdbk12.org or 904-827-2454.
7 months ago, FSDB
Fall 2024 Virtual ECC flyer
Welcome Michele Dosio to FSDB! Michele will be an Instructional Assistant for our Blind Elementary and Middle school students. She is looking forward to meeting her students and their families! Michele has four children, all boys, and loves plants & flowers. She is from Pennsylvania and was a wedding florist and an elementary teacher for seven years! We are so thrilled you are here with us at FSDB! #ThisisFSDB #FSDBFam #YouBelongAtFSDB
7 months ago, FSDB
Photo of Michele in an orange short sleeve shirt smiling for the camera outside of Moore Hall. White graphic on bottom left says "BEMS Instructional Assistant"
Thursdays are about to get even more exciting with Takeover Thursdays! Each week, a different staff member, teacher, or department will take over FSDB's social media pages. Stay tuned to our stories for a day filled with engaging photos and videos! #FSDBTakeoverThursdays
7 months ago, FSDB
White graphic says "Takeover Thursdays, #FSDBTakeOverThursdays" with an example of what the graphic will look like. The example shows a picture of Tracie Snow smiling with four students, and above the photo says "Takeover Thursdays, Tracie C. Snow, President"
Welcome Victoria Golden to FSDB! Victoria is working in Deaf High School as a Digital Information Technology teacher! " I am excited to work with a variety of middle and high school students!" shared Victoria. Victoria is a recent graduate of Flagler College. She is an avid reader and reads around three books a month! We are so happy to have you as part of the FSDB Family! #ThisisFSDB #FSDBFam #YouBelongAtFSDB
7 months ago, FSDB
Victoria is wearing a maroon long sleeve shirt and smiling for her picture outside of Palm Row. White graphic on bottom left says "Victoria Golden, Digital Information Technology (DIT) Teacher"
Every Wednesday, we will explore the school's rich history, featuring stories of former students and staff, highlighting sports achievements, and sharing captivating then & now photos. #FSDBWayBackWhensdays
7 months ago, FSDB
White graphic says "Way Back Whensdays, #FSDBWayBackWhensdays" with two example graphics. The examples feature a black and white photo from a old yearbook and a 1952 & 2023 photo of campus.
The Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind (FSDB) announces public meetings to which all persons of the public are invited. Location • FSDB Campus, 207 San Marco Ave., St. Augustine, FL 32084 • Building: Moore Hall (corner of San Marco Ave. and Macaris St.) • Room: Center for Learning and Development (CLD) Date and Time • Friday, August 23, 2024 • 9 a.m. – Regular Board Meeting (CLD) The Board meeting will be livestreamed and available on the FSDB Board of Trustees Meeting webpage at www.fsdbk12.org/board-of-trustees-meetings. Members of the public are invited to address the board for up to three minutes per person. All public comments are limited to 45 minutes in total. Public comment registration cards must be turned in no later than the start of the event.
7 months ago, FSDB
Board of Trustees Meeting, Friday, August 23, 2024
Every Tuesday, we'll be diving into the vibrant Campus Life, where we'll be showcasing a diverse range of activities, from field trips to club events, and even the unique experiences of residential life on campus. Get ready to explore! #CampusLifeTuesdays
7 months ago, FSDB
White graphic says "Campus Life Tuesdays, #FSDBCampusLifeTuesdays" with two example graphics which shows students. In the corner of the graphics is the Campus Life Tuesday logo.
It's finally here-the First Day of School! Get ready for an exciting week as we unveil the themes of our social media campaign for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. Every Monday, we will dedicate our focus to Academic Mondays. We will showcase engaging and exciting classroom activities and lessons from various departments to provide insight into our students' fun learning experiences. #FSDBAcademicMondays
7 months ago, FSDB
White graphic says "Academic Mondays, #FSDBAcademicMondays" with two examples of what Academic Monday will look like. Photo of students from the deaf and blind department and the Academic Monday Logo on the corner.
Welcome Stella Richardson to FSDB! Stella will be a Residential Instructor for Vaill Hall. She looks forward to helping her students and is excited about how much this position will help her in the future! Some fun facts about Stella are that she is from Big Spring, Texas, and is a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults)! We are so glad to have you here! #ThisisFSDB #FSDBFam #YouBelongAtFSDB
7 months ago, FSDB
Photo of Stella in a blue tank top and red flannel smiling for her picture outside of Moore Hall. White graphic on bottom left says "Stella Richardson, Residential Instructor for Vaill Hall"
Yesterday was Open House! It was an excellent opportunity to connect with new and returning students alongside their families. FSDB is not just excited, but fully committed to welcoming students and ensuring that the 2024-2025 academic year is nothing short of outstanding! To view the photos from the Open House event, click on the link below: https://zenfolio.page.link/K2hVd #ThisIsFSDB #FSDB Fam #YouBelongAtFSDB
7 months ago, FSDB
Tracie & David Snow stand in front of the FSDB sign greeting students and their families
A student smile with his family for a picture.
A student hug and pose with her Mom for a picture,
A student in the middle smile with his parents.
Two students smile with their family for a picture.
A student smile with her family for a picture.