Blind High School Close-Up students are in Washington, D.C.! We look forward to seeing their pictures and hearing about their learning. Have a great trip! #FSDBCampusLifeTuesdays
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Group of Blind students with their teachers smiling for a photo in front of Jefferson Memorial.
Hello FSDB Deaf Department Families! Parent University Presents: Let's Talk About Springtime Fun! Students, Parents, Siblings and Friends are Welcome! This class will be on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. at Bloxham Hall, Room 213. During this class you will learn to communicate about all things spring! Learn signs for Spring: weather, clothing, activities, food, holidays and much more. Communicating doesn't just mean ASL. We will discuss strategies to use when others around you don't know sign language. All skill levels are welcome and needed. This is a perfect opportunity to learn and play together. RSVP is required to ensure we have sufficient materials and dinner for everyone. Please RSVP at the link below: This is a new location for us. It is the first building on the right after entering the gates at Palm Row.   Parents must check-in at the Front Gate. Travel Reimbursement is available. For more information please visit the FSDB Parent Classes page at:
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Parent University Presents: Let's Talk About Springtime Classes
Sakura Vinson did an outstanding job on Friday, February 7, in the Restaurant Service SkillsUSA competition. The judge remarked on her resume skills, encouraged her to apply for service jobs through Disney and cruise ships, and commended her skills. Sakura demonstrated table setting, napkin folding, order taking, serving, and table-side Caesar salad. Her interpersonal skills and serviceable attitude shined. Well done Sakura!!! #FSDBAcademicMondays
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Sakura wearing a black shirt with black tie, and apron smiles for the photo outside by the water at FSDB.
Sakura demonstrated setting up the table for the judge.
Welcome Taria Pellicer to FSDB! Taria will be a Residential Instructor for Gregg Hall. She is excited about her position because she enjoys working with kids. Taria loves the FSDB community, which inspired her to join us. She also looks forward to being involved in sports with the students. Originally from Saint Augustine, Taria is passionate about sports! We are thrilled to have you as part of our FSDB family! #FSDBFam #ThisIsFSDB #YouBelongAtFSDB
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Taria is wearing a black short sleeve shirt , and smiling for the camera outside of Moore Hall. White graphic on bottom left says "Maria Pellicer, Residential Instructor for Gregg Hall"
Welcome Megan Mizell to FSDB! Megan is a Residential Instructor for Apartments, looking forward to her new job, which will allow her to interact with others. Megan is from Fresno, California, and she enjoys camping and fishing. We are so happy to have you here with us at FSDB! #FSDBFam #ThisIsFSDB #YouBelongAtFSDB
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Megan is wearing a gray shirt covered with a red flannel smiling for the photo outside of Moore Hall. White graphic on bottom left says "Megan Mizell, Residential Instructor for Apartments".
- Deaf Middle School attended the Jacksonville Iceman hockey game on Tuesday, February 4. - From January 21 to January 26, the Blind Ski Club traveled to Whitefish, Montana, for their Annual trip. Thank you to DREAM Adaptive Recreation volunteers and staff for joining and teaching us to ski! - Girls Basketball are 1A District 3 Runner-Up. The Lady Dragons fell just short of the District Championship, losing 42-44 to St. Johns Country Day. With an 18-4 record, the Lady Dragons will hopefully get an at-large bid into the regional tournament. #FSDBRecapSundays
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Top left is photo of Deaf Middle School students smiling with the Iceman hockey mascot. Top right is a photo of a blind high school student smiling with two guides on a snowy mountain. Bottom photo is a group photo of girls basketball team smiling with their award inside Settles Gym.
On Wednesday, February 5, we recongized our senior wrestlers at their last regular match meet. - Adrian Vreeland - Antawn Wanliss - Joshua Newman - Tyler Boskett - Jackson Swartzlander (Manager) We will miss every one of you! #FSDBSportsSaturday #OneTeamOneHeartbeat
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Senior Wrestler smiling for the picture with his family and coaches inside Settles Gym.
Senior Wrestler smiles with his coaches in Settles Gym.
Senior Manager smiles with his coaches and mother in Settles Gym.
Senior Wrestler smiles with his coaches inside Settles Gym.
Senior Wrestler smiles with his coaches inside Settles Gym.
This is Raymond Giustiniani Jr. Raymond enrolled at FSDB in 1994 and graduated in 1997. From 2004 to 2016, Raymond worked as a Residential Instructor in McLane Hall for middle school boys. He then served in Rhyne Hall for high school boys from 2016 to 2018, and subsequently in Vaill Hall from 2018 to 2022. Since January 2023, he has been a Senior Residential Instructor for the Ray Charles Apartment Program. In addition to his role as a Residential Instructor, Raymond has also been a bus attendant, an emergency driver, the head coach for elementary boys' basketball, and a coach for middle school boys' basketball. Raymond returned to FSDB to teach students that they can achieve their goals. He aims to be a role model for deaf individuals and to support students in succeeding after graduation. As a student, Raymond had two favorite memories. The first was a Close-Up trip to Washington, D.C., which was his first airplane trip. He enjoyed meeting many new friends and reconnecting with them at Gallaudet University. His other memorable experience was his senior trip, where he had a great time with his friends before graduation. As an employee, he has many cherished memories, but one that stands out is when he coached the Elementary Boys Basketball team that won the championship in 2019. A fun fact about Raymond is that he grew up in Woodstock, New York, before moving to Florida. We love having you here at FSDB! #FSDBGrowingUpAtFSDBFridays #YouBelongAtFSDB #ThisIsFSDB #FSDBFam
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Young  Ray smiling for his senior photo on the left and current photo of Ray wearing a black short sleeve shirt with neon color "Nike air" in the center smiling for a photo by a river outside.
Follow our stories today as we go behind the scenes with a production crew that will be videotaping for a series called VIEWPOINT with Dennis Quaid. FSDB will be featured in this short-form documentary series that will air on Public Television stations in all 50 states. They'll also be producing a one-minute educational commercial that will be broadcast in primetime on channels like MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, Discovery Life, The Learning Channel, and Discovery Channel. #FSDBTakeoverThursdays
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Video camera in the middle of the graphic with words above says " Takeover Thursday, Behind the Scenes with Viewpoint"
We will share FSDB Black History for February to celebrate Black History Month. A farm and cows were once located on the FSDB campus. In the 1930s, Casa Cola near Saint Augustine airport was where black students were helped to build a barn by Cary White and Eugene Hogle. The cows and chickens were relocated from the main campus of the FSDB to a new barn to be cared for and milk produced by a dairy farmer. FSDB had a cow nicknamed "Victor Baby Hilda," who produced 16,553 pounds of milk and 753 pounds of butterfat in just 235 days. In the 1890s, an FSDB farm was on campus but discontinued in 1952. Every week, Cary White had to produce milk from cows, drive to Daytona Beach to have it cleansed, and finally return it to FSDB to provide meals for students. Creds to FSDB Museum. #FSDBWayBackWhensday #FSDBBlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryMonth #FSDBHistory
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Six vintage photo collage of students building the farm , cows inside the farm, and the land the farm was on.
FSDB is excited to continue our Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) Interactive Learning Series for children who are blind/visually impaired (B/VI) or deaf/hard of hearing (D/HH). How to Make Almost Anything - Skills Workshop Saturday, April 26, 2025, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time) Agenda: Students will learn or improve their personal interactions with others. Learn, practice and implement DIY skills to make or complete simple projects. Strategize what skills are needed to meet their own personal goals. Complete at least one DIY- Do It Yourself Project to keep or share. Who: BVI, DHH, and DSI students ages 6-15 living in Florida. Parent supervision is requested, and siblings are encouraged to join. Date and Time: Saturday, April 26, 2025, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time) Location: Zoom virtual classroom – Materials will be mailed to each student’s home prior to the event. Contact: Jennifer Valderrama, 904-827-2454, Registration: Please register with your Parent/Guardian and siblings, so they can be included in this activity. Parent supervision is requested, and siblings are encouraged to join. Click here to register:
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Spring 2025 Virtual ECC Interactive Learning Series Flyer
In Apartments, Ja'Niyah prepared chicken and corn with white rice for dinner for her peers. Looks delicious! #FSDBCampusLifeTuesdays
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Ja'Niyah is wearing a black with white & red scattered over the sweatshirt smiling for the photo as she cooks the chicken in the Collins kitchen.
Spring Community Open House 2025 Wednesday, March 5, 2025 @ 9 AM – 12 PM Please join us for an opportunity to learn about FSDB programs, watch a variety of performances from FSDB music groups and Q&A with staff and students. Special guests include FSDB President, Tracie Snow and D & B Designs with unique gifts and apparel. Click the following link to register:
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Spring Community Open House – Wednesday, March 5, 2025 @ 9 AM – 12 PM
Ms. Daniels’ class used a zipline on a slope with a small wooden car attached. They were exploring if adding or removing mass to the car made any difference in the speed at which the wooden vehicle could travel.  Each student completed four trials using one amount of mass; they did another four trials using a different amount of mass. Each student developed a hypothesis: “If I add more mass to the car on the zipline, then it will travel faster.” Lastly, they had to analyze their data to prove or disprove their hypothesis.  Science Rocks! #FSDBAcademicMondays
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Two students with teacher helping with the zipline using a paperclip inside the classroom.
Congratulations to Debbi Day on her recent retirement from FSDB! Debbi moved from Rochester, New York to Saint Augustine in 1994 when her then-husband was hired at FSDB. While balancing the care of her two daughters, she frequently traveled back and forth to visit her mother, who was suffering from a brain tumor. After her mother's passing, Debbi found herself with more time and decided to apply for a temporary position at the Deaf library. When that position ended, another temporary role opened up in the technology department, which she took on afterward. Debbi has a health care background with training as a medical assistant, EMT, and radiological technologist. After temporary positions, she worked full-time as a Chelation Therapist for six years. She then took a position as a Transporter at the Health Care Center at FSDB, where she arranged off-campus medical appointments and drove students to their appointments, enjoying the one-on-one time with them. Eventually, due to some shifts in the Health Care Center, she transitioned to the role of Medical Unit Specialist, where she continued to work until her retirement. During her time at FSDB, she has met many wonderful people and forged lasting friendships. While the workload can be stressful, she knows this is typical in healthcare. "The thing that kept me here at FSDB, and I will miss the most, are the students. I will also miss my coworkers and colleagues," shared Debbi. Debbi plans to retire by spending quality time with her family and engaging in her granddaughters' activities. She aims to enjoy walks on the beach with her three dogs, volunteer at a shelter, attend the gym regularly, and cook healthy meals to make this chapter of her life fulfilling. She has everything she desires, including her faith, family, dogs, and friends. On her last day of work, Debbi's daughter, Anastasia, came to visit and brought her flowers. It was a bittersweet moment for Anastasia as well. For the past thirty years, she has been visiting her parents at FSDB since they moved to Saint Augustine and began working there. We will miss you, Debbi! Enjoy retirement! #FSDBFam #ThisIsFSDB #YouBelongAtFSDB
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Debbi is wearing a nurse shirt with white cats scattered all over on rainbows covered by a light blue cardigan, and smiling for the camera as she holds flowers. White graphic on bottom left says "Debbi Day, Medical Unit Specialist"
The FSDB Wrestling team traveled to California School for the Deaf at Riverside last weekend for the 2025 Willigan Wrestling Tournament. To view the photos, click the link: Photo credits go out to Scarlett Valencia Photography @scarlettvalenciaphotography #FSDBSportsSaturday
about 1 month ago, FSDB
FSDB wrestler in red uniform on the mat in the light spotlight with an ISD wrestler.
This is Brendan Murphy, though some of you may know him as "BP." BP is currently working as a Senior Residential Instructor and also serves as the FSDB Museum Coordinator in an OPS (Other Personnel Services) role. He is an alumnus of the Deaf Department, having enrolled at FSDB in 1971 and graduated in 1983. After graduating from FSDB, BP attended Gallaudet University, where he participated in the sports program as a manager and graduated in 1993. He then worked at MSSD as the Athletic Facility/Equipment Supervisor for five years before returning to Florida to work at FSDB. BP wanted to come back to FSDB because he loves his alma mater and is passionate about helping students achieve their goals, serving as a role model, and making a difference in their lives. BP began working at FSDB in 1995 as a Residential Instructor and has remained in that position for twenty-nine years. He has also held other OPS positions, including Bus Chaperone and Athletic Program Assistant. Additionally, he volunteered as the FSDB Historian at the museum for twenty years before becoming the OPS Museum Coordinator. As a student, BP participated in many memorable experiences. In 1979, he was the manager for the Varsity Football team that won the National Deaf Prep Championship. In 1983, he received several prestigious awards during the sports banquet, including Best Athletic Student Manager, the "BP—Our Key to Success" Award, and the Bob Greenman Award for Citizenship & Sportsmanship. "It was a big honor, and now these awards are displayed in my office at the museum," BP shared. As an employee, BP cherishes the time spent interacting with students, especially during weekends when they stay on campus and only occasionally go home. He enjoys working with them during those weekends, as they often go on fun trips together. BP is "busy as a bee." He loves researching the history of FSDB and reads the news daily to stay informed about global events. We have enjoyed watching you grow over the years. You are truly awesome! #FSDBGrowingUpAtFSDB #FSDBFam #YouBelongAtFSDB #ThisIsFSDB
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Left photo is a black and white photo of young BP and right photo is a current photo of BP wearing white gloves and holding historic papers.
Lori Hall, an art teacher in the Blind Department, and her art classes will be taking over our social media today! Be sure to check our stories to see the creative artwork our students have completed throughout the day. #FSDBTakeoverThursdays
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Six students smiling and holding their artwork they have created. Above the photos say “Takeover Thursday, Lori Hall & art classes"
Photos shown above are the teams that first won Mason Dixion Champions: – The 1968 Varsity Boys basketball team won the championship game at FSDB; FSDB beat Alabama. – 1984 Varsity Girl's basketball team won the championship game at VSDB; FSDB beat Alabama.  – -1970 cheerleaders won the competitions voted by the judges at SCSDB.  FSDB championship history in the Mason-Dixon Tournament : Boys Basketball Champions: 1968, 1979, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018, 2023 Girls Basketball Champions: 1984, 2001, 2011, 2013, 2015,2019, 2023, 2024 Cheerleading  Champions: 1970, 1973, 1979, 1980 (tied), 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2019, 2020 and 2023 This weekend, FSDB teams are going to Louisiana School for the Deaf for the Mason-Dixon Basketball tournament.  The tournament is on Friday and Saturday, January 31 and February 1, 2025.   More information about the tournament can be found on the website:    Good Luck to the Dragons teams! Source:  FSDB Archive, 1970 Florida School Herald, FSDB 1984 yearbook and Mason-Dixon Tournament program books. #FSDBWayBackWhensdays #FSDBHistory
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Black and White photo of the Girls and Boys Basketball team when they first won Mason Dixon Championships.
Vintage photo of the cheerleading team who first won the Mason Dixon Championships.
Our MS Robotics Team 32084A attended the Haile Storm IQ competition this weekend. They did a fantastic job and placed 7th in the finals! They also were given the special honor of the Judges Award! Go Dragons! #FSDBCampusLifeTuesdays
about 1 month ago, FSDB
Three middle schoolers in the Robotics club  smile for a photo together.