Congratulations to Lois Creech! Lois is retiring tomorrow after twenty-one years of service with FSDB! She has worked as a Fiscal Assistant to the Comptroller and is currently Accountant II. She wanted to work at FSDB because she wanted to do something different. FSDB is unique to her because of the caring students and staff she sees daily! One of Lois's favorite FSDB memories was Mr. Hutto asking her to wear her hamburger har and meet the ELC kids. Lois has one daughter, Carrie, twin granddaughters, Madison and Hannah, and one great-granddaughter, Maria, who will turn two this upcoming January. Lois enjoys watching football and rooting for her favorite time, the Jacksonville Jaguars. After retirement, Lois will watch and spend time with her great-granddaughter, Maria, when needed! Happy Retirement! We will miss you! Thank you for everything you have done for FSDB! #ThisIsFSDB #YouBelongAtFSDB #FSDBFam
6 months ago, FSDB
Lois wearing a purple short sleeve shirt sitting at her desk smiling for her picture. White graphic on bottom left says "Lois Creech, Accountant II"
Welcome Holly Wright! Holly will be an Instructional Assistant working with our Early Learning Center students. She looks forward to helping them grow into their best and brightest selves. Holly is from Nashville, Tennessee and has a cat named Kiyoshi whom she loves! "I'm thrilled to be part of the FSDB community!" shared Holly. And we are thrilled to have you here with us! #ThisisFSDB #FSDBFam #YouBelongAtFSDB
6 months ago, FSDB
Holly is wearing a coral color dress with flower scattered over smiles outside of Moore Hall. White graphic on bottom left says " Holly Wright, Instructional Assistant for ELC"
Due to Hurricane Helene, we are suspending our “Takeover Thursday” social media posts today. Everyone, please stay safe, and we look forward to having all of our students back on campus. #FSDBTakeoverThursdays
6 months ago, FSDB
Big Red "Cancelled" sign across the "Takeover Thursday" graphic. Above it, says "Takeover Thursdays, Hurricane Helene"
In 1982, the Blind Department had a spirit week during homecoming week. They played games, parades on the campus, skits show, dressed up for spirit week, and class banners. Source: FSDB 1983 Yearbook. #FSDBWayBackWhensdays
6 months ago, FSDB
Black and White of a yearbook page in 1982 of Blind Homecoming festivities.
View message in ASL: Due to the impending storm, FSDB will cancel classes on Thursday, September 26. The remaining SHOW bus students will go home today (Wednesday) following the regular Friday bus schedule (see routes below). All Yellow Bus and Parent Pick-Up students will go home at 3:30 p.m. today (Wednesday). All after-school activities are canceled for Wednesday and Thursday. Classes are expected to resume on Friday. The following SHOW routes WILL go home on WEDNESDAY, September 25, at 2:05 p.m. • SHOW Route 4 – Orlando • SHOW Route 5 – Homestead • SHOW Route 7 – Titusville • SHOW Route 10 – Sebring • SHOW Route 12 – West Palm Beach • SHOW Route 13 – Dunn Ave./Fernandina Important notes: • As of Wednesday at 2:05 p.m., the Boarding Program is closed to all students for the remainder of the week. • All after-school activities are canceled for Wednesday and Thursday. Please visit our FSDB Alerts page for further updates (
6 months ago, FSDB
FSDB Update: Tropical Storm Helene
Kramer girls, Brianna, Roslyn, Egypt, and Kiyan are learning how to sew. The materials were provided through Craft Corner, a project funded by the FSDB Advancement Department. #FSDBCampusLifeTuesday
6 months ago, FSDB
Kramer girls sitting in the lobby of Kramer sewing together as a team.
The FSDB Board of Trustees meetings scheduled for Friday, September 27th, have been canceled. The next meeting will be held on Friday, October 25th.
6 months ago, FSDB
FSDB Board of Trustees Meeting Canceled
Welcome Brian Tingley-Carr to FSDB! Brian will work as a Behavioral Specialist. He looks forward to connecting and fostering authentic relationships with students, faculty, staff, and communities across Florida. Brian was a beautiful wife, adopted a twelve-year-old daughter, two dogs named Ruby Doo & Ginny Pickles, and a baby boy on the way! A fun fact about Brian is that he did not learn ASL until he was nineteen when he entered his college career at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. Another fun fact is that Brian and his wife were wedded by Elvis in Las Vegas! We are so happy to have you here at FSDB! #ThisisFSDB #FSDBFam #YouBelongAtFSDB
6 months ago, FSDB
Brian is wearing a navy blue with pink plaid shirt smiling for his picture outside at Palm Row. White graphic on bottom left says "Brian Tingley-Carr, Behavioral Specialist"
Welcome Laura White to FSDB! Laura will work with the Deaf High School Department as an Instructional Assistant. She looks forward to returning to work with Deaf students and having a fresh start. Laura is originally from St. Augustine and was a former student at FSDB. She has also worked here at FSDB for five years. We are so happy to have you back, Laura! #ThisisFSDB #FSDBFam #YouBelongAtFSDB
6 months ago, FSDB
Laura is wearing a black short sleeve shirt smiling for her picture outside of Moore Hall under trees. White graphic on bottom left says "Laura White, DHS Instructional Assistant"
FSDB participated in several weather briefings over the last few hours about potential Tropical Cyclone Nine. This system is expected to become a hurricane and could potentially reach the coast as a major hurricane. The leadership team has decided that five SHOW bus students will go home early this week following the regular Friday pick-up bus schedules (see routes below). We understand you may not have bad weather in your area, however, there is concern that the roads might not be safe later in the week because of the storm. We also have to make sure our bus chaperones have enough time to make it back safely to FSDB after dropping off your child. Our thoughts are with every family during this weather event and hope you all stay safe. Further communication regarding classes for the rest of the week will be shared as we learn more about the path and impact of this storm.   The following SHOW routes WILL go home on Tuesday, September 24 at 2:05 p.m. All students on these routes MUST go home. • SHOW Route 1 – Naples • SHOW Route 2 – Pinellas Park • SHOW Route 3 – Pensacola • SHOW Route 8 – Ocala  • SHOW Route 9 – Land O’ Lakes Please visit our FSDB Alerts page for further updates. (
6 months ago, FSDB
FSDB Update: Potential Tropical Cyclone Nine Graphic
In Deaf Elementary, Third grade was learning about parts of a map, including keys/legends, a compass rose, scales, and grids. #FSDBAcademicMonday
6 months ago, FSDB
Two photo collage of deaf elementary students wearing a pirate hat and eye patch smile for a picture with their paper compass inside a classroom,
Here's a recap of an exciting and eventful week at FSDB! - Deaf Middle School took a field trip where they got to swim with Manatees. - Cary White Dorm students made sandwiches and took them downtown to help provide food to people experiencing homelessness. - Blind High School had lab day this week. The experiment was "Acid-Base Reflection Lab Abstract." The purpose was to observe the changes that occur when an acid and a base are combined. - Deaf Elementary Third Graders took a field trip to the Alligator Farm. They connected the book they were reading, "Cocoliso," to the actual live Albino Crocodiles! #FSDBRecapSunday
6 months ago, FSDB
Top Left Photo: Group of DMS dressed up in snorkel gear. Top Right Photo: Cary White students wearing matching light blue shirts smile for a picture with the sandwiches they made inside Cary White hallway. Bottom left photo: Blind students wearing protective googles experimenting the balloon outside. Bottom Right Photo: Student wearing green shirt holding his stuffed animal Albino smiling with the live Albino in its cage.
After a successful meet, our enthusiastic swim team gathers for a group photo, beaming with pride. Go, team! #FSDBSportsSaturday #GoDragons #OneTeamOneHeartbeat
6 months ago, FSDB
Group photo of the swim team wearing the black and red uniforms smiling for a picture next to a pool.
Say Hello to Tracie C. Snow, our FSDB President! Tracie started working at FSDB in the fall of 1995. She worked many positions before before working as FSDB President. Listed Below are the positions she worked, from first to current: Classroom teacher for the Deaf Department (High School Special Needs, Middle School & 2nd Grade) Reading Specialist Director of Curriculum and Professional Development Adminstrator of Instructional Services FSDB President Tracie has also worked as Jr. NAD sponsor, Student Concil sponsor, interpreter, Assistant Cross Country Coach, and FSDB's first girls soccer coach! Traice's husband, David Snow, was first hired at FSDB, then she was hired right before school started that fall. "We did not know how lucky we were to start our career journey here" shared Tracie. She shared that FSDB is unique because we are the only school of our kind in Florida, and the largest school in the nation serving both students who are deaf/hard of hearing, blind/visually impaired, and deafblind. "The students, staff, and families make us unique and special" stated Tracie. Tracie has thirty years worth of memories at FSDB, which makes it challenging to choose one. She has loved her time as a teacher, coach, leader, co-worker, and parent. When Tracie is not at work, she loves spending time with her family, cooking, gardening, and crafting. She also wanted to share that her favorite color is Glitter! FSDB loves you, Tracie!   #ThisIsFSDB #YouBelongAtFSDB #FSDBFam #GrowingUpAtFSDBFridays
6 months ago, FSDB
Left photo is young Tracie when she started at FSDB and right photo is what Tracie looks like now. Background is green colored with the "Growing Up at FSDB" logo that consists of green spotlight logo.
Welcome Derek Ferguson! Derek will be working as a Blind Middle School Social Studies teacher! Previously, before working at FSDB, he was a Social Studies Instructor (A.P. Human Geography and World History) at Celebration High School and a Social Studies Instructor (A.P. Modern World History, Dual Enrollment U.S. History, Rhokappa founder and advisor) at St. Joesph Academy. "I am most excited about giving back to a school community that empowered me for success and inspiring fellow students with visual disabilities to do more, be more and achieve more." shared Derek. Derek was born in Sarasota, Florida and lived in Homosassa, Florida, through 6th grade. He then moved to Saint Augustine so he could attend FSDB. Derek's twin brother also attended FSDB, and his mother worked at the school. Some fun facts about Derek: - He lived in France for one summer and enjoyed trying new restaurants. - He is a licensed tour guide in Saint Augustine. - He is an active liturgical minister in the local community. He finds fulfillment in serving others. Welcome back to FSDB! We are so happy to have you here! #FSDBFam #ThisIsFSDB #YouBelongAtFSDB
6 months ago, FSDB
Derek wearing a navy FSDB collar shirt with navy FSDB lanyard smiling for a picture outside the Moore Hall building. White graphic on bottom left says " Derek Ferguson, BEMS Social Studies Teacher"
Please welcome Dale Kinnaman to FSDB! Dale will be working as a maintenance mechanic, mainly doing painting jobs. "I look forward to working on these historic and amazing grounds at FSDB," shared Dale. A fun fact about Dale is that he laughs at his own jokes. Welcome to the FSDB Family!! #ThisisFSDB #FSDBFam #YouBelongAtFSDB
6 months ago, FSDB
Dale is wearing a black plaid short sleeve shirt smiling for his picture outside of Moore Hall. White graphic on bottom left says " Dale Kinnaman, Maintenance Mechanic (Painter).
Today, our Deaf Elementary School Assistant Principal, Jessica Waldbillig, is taking over our social media. Check out our stories to see a day in the life of our DES Assistant Principal! #FSDBTakeOverThursdays
6 months ago, FSDB
Jessica dressed like a rock star using a broom as her guitar with a student dressed like a rock star next to her. Above the picture says "Takeover Thursdays- Jessica Waldbillig, DES Assistant Principal"
Then & Now: Top Photo taken in the 1980's Bottom Photo taken in 2020 Shows the changes that took place over the years. Credit goes to Jamie McElfresh, Museum Staff. #FSDBHistory #FSDBWayBackWhensday
6 months ago, FSDB
Top Photo: Black and White Photo of DL in the 1980s. Bottom photo is a colored photo of what the DL look like now.
Welcome Daniel Villa to FSDB! Daniel will be working with the Rhyne Hall High School Deaf Boys. He is looking forward to being back at FSDB and working with the fantastic campus staff! Some fun facts about him are that he loves hiking, outdoor activities, gaming, and sports. We are so happy to have you here at FSDB with us! #ThisisFSDB #FSDBFam #YouBelongAtFSDB
6 months ago, FSDB
Daniel in an orange with brown collar shirt smile for a picture outside of Moore Hall. White graphic on bottom left says "Daniel Villa, Residential Instructor for Rhyne Hall"
Our FSDB Elementary Dance Program is in full swing! #FSDBCampusLifeTuesdays
6 months ago, FSDB
Student dressed in a ballet black leotard smile for the picture.
Student dressed in black ballet leotard and tights practice ballet on stage in Kirk.
Student in black ballet leotard look at the teacher she she practices ballet on stage in Kirk.